Document Destruction in Milwaukee

The idea of Document Destruction is something everyone should consider. The amount of personal information that is out there on documents is staggering. If disposed properly, the chances of identity theft are slim but if one piece of information gets into the wrong hands, you could be looking at months or years’ worth of trouble. Hiring a company for your paper shredding needs is essential for businesses but always serves the average human well too. You just never know where your information could end up.

The experts at Beaver Shredding, Inc., are a Chicago based company that services the Milwaukee area too. We want to meet all your Document Destruction needs. Depending on the services you request, we can shred up to 3,000 lbs per hour, if done so on site. We also offer off-site shredding, as well as, we can schedule routine maintenance. Just give us a call at 866-674-7323 or fill out the form on this page. We’ll be happy to discuss all our options regarding Document Destruction with you.

Why Shred?

Document Destruction is for a reason and that reason is to save yourself and others from identity theft. Identity theft causes more problems for Americans than ever before. The problem is, many people believe it’s just their credit cards that can be the cause of identity theft, and that’s a false statement. Someone who wants to obtain your identity for fraudulent reasons can do so just by getting their hands on your name, address, banking information, social security number and more.

Whether you’re a business owner or just another citizen, it’s important to make sure you’re properly taking care of your personal information. When the mail comes, don’t just toss away what you consider “junk”. That pile could contain credit card offers that will have your name and address on it. You could be tossing hospital bills that contains even more personal information about yourself. You have to be careful and that’s why we suggest Document Destruction for any and all personal information.

As a business owner, you should have at least one security bin within your establishment depending on the size of your company. The bigger the company, the more bins may be required. At Beaver Shredding, Inc., our security bins are locked so that papers are only placed inside the bin through a small slot. This avoids any employees from seeing what’s in the bins too. We take Document Destruction very seriously. We offer a variety of bins too. If there’s any questions about our service, our company or what we do, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

The Document Destruction process is simple. You fill the bins and we will either haul them away to shred or we can come onsite and use our shredding machines. There’s no need to remove staples either. Our heavy duty machines can get through staples easily.

Be Responsible

If you’re in business, you have a legal responsibility to keep your customers information safe, as well as your employees. As a person, you’ll want to do the same at home. Don’t let the lack of Document Destruction make you a victim to identity theft. The results are not good and could take months or even years to recover from.

Beaver Shredding is ready to come onsite and discuss our Document Destruction solutions with you. We are proud to offer reason pricing and a variety of options when it comes to shredding. Do not let your confidential information fall into the wrong hands. Call us today at 866-674-7323 or fill out the form on this page to schedule a time to discuss what’s next.